



創造主からのメッセージ  2017年6月12日


A message from the creator
Channel: Taki Chino
June 12, 2017

The day before yesterday, June 10, 2017, three habitable 5, 8, and 10 dimensional planets started to approach to the Earth by which I have made the Ascension into full scale. The distance between these three planets was 100 thousand Astronomical Unit each (AU: average distance between the Earth and the Sun) on the 9 th of June, 2017 and the distance between the Earth and the center of these three was 1.2 million AU. Today this is already shortened to 500 thousand AU. On the 22 th of June, 2017, this will be shorted further to 10 thousand AU. In addition, the three dimensional portion of of these higher dimensional planets change their positions facing to the Earth side and make humans abruptly visibly recognize them and the strong energy flows to the Earth making many energetic effects embodied. These three planets play roles like the second moons. They will be seen like big moons on the 11 th of August, 2017 when they approach to the Earth at a distance of 0.02AU. Their sizes will be similar to the moon. The gravitational effect of the moon changes the tidal level from low tide to high tide and these three planets enhance the tidal levels up to
2.5 times of the moon because of their gravitational effect. This gravitational effect will inevitably affect the accuracy of the GPS satellites. I have avoided to make the life of the humans monotonic by keeping the date of the Ascension not disclosed. However, gearing up of the Ascension process in full scale, it is the time of disclosure now. It is 15 O’clock of the 16 th of August, 2017 that all of the humans and animals on the third dimensional Earth go up to their original higher dimensions. This event is called the Ascension because each soul shifts their living world to the original higher dimensional one.

As a request to all of the humans I would like to ask you to take the light from the whole cosmos into your body through your ajna chakra, once a week from now, by which you can make your Ascension process smoother.

You have overcome the difficulties although the three dimensional world on the Earth was full of hardships like struggles for survival. I would like you to enjoy the remaining short period until the Ascension at your full extent.